Aurora NewsLocal news for Aurora, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Pilot dies as homemade airplane crashes and burns- July 10, 2008 A homebuilt, single-seater airplane crashed near Barrie yesterday morning, bursting into flames and killing the pilot. Friends, Family Say Accused Sex Abuser Innocent- July 8, 2008 The family of a Marion County man facing sex abuse charges said they think police framed him for the crime. Aurora museum exhibits 19th Century work- July 7, 2008 The Old Aurora Colony Museum will present living-history recreations of 19th Century crafts this summer in it's courtyard on 2nd and Liberty streets. Aurora man, 28, accused of sexually abusing minor- July 6, 2008 Police arrested an Aurora man accused of sexually abusing a minor. The Aurora Police Department says Scott Knight was arrested Sunday following a six-month investigation and lodged at the Marion County Jail. Plane runs out of fuel, lands in small field- July 2, 2008 A small plane carrying two children made an emergency landing in a Washington County field after running out of fuel. Out of fuel, pilot emergency-lands plane near Reedville- July 1, 2008 A Canby man landed his small plane in a field outside Reedville this afternoon when he ran out of fuel on the way to Hillsboro, the Washington County Sheriff's Office said. |