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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for May 2008

searchfunktion bei help.antville - May 22, 2008

darf ich nich, sacht er: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this part of the site. (eigentlich wollte ich rausfinden, warum leute bei meinem poll nicht voten dürfen)

can't edit stories - May 20, 2008

we are running an in some parts quite collaborative blog. since the new version of antville has been set up, it's not possible anymore to edit someone other's stories (even if you are an owner). it's possible to click "edit" and you will see the interface to edit the stories, but your changes won't be saved. this problem appears no matter what user group you choose below "This story is editable by". additionally the contribution interface looks the old way, not like the below one in this...

Login - May 19, 2008

I can't login in my page ( I must do it from Antville's main page. This happens since the new version was installed. Do you know the reason why Thanks a lot!

Skins. - May 18, 2008

Kann man nun nicht mehr 1 aktivierten Skin haben und an einem anderen - ohne, dass die Leser es merken - basteln Oder überseh ich da einfach was. Das hat mir an der alten Version eigentlich ganz gut gefallen.

Administrators menu - May 15, 2008

Dear Antville staff: During the last few days I haven't been able to modify or add posts to the blog since the corresponding options have dissapeared. So, I'm not being able to no longer edit my blog. Since I'm not an expert when it comes to HTML things, I can't tell what's wrong. All I can tell you is that, in the administrator's menu, I had options that are no longer there. Any help will be very appreciated since I feel stuck with something I can't cope with. Thank you in advance.
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