WayWest RadioA cocktail of media & techlife-served dry with a small cactus(Untitled)- August 27, 2003 No wait! Turns out I can get the darn software to accept my serial number--except it's not the "unlock code" number that comes with the confirmation-of-payment email. No, it's in another email that you receive before you pay up. That kind of convoluted, anti-intuitive logic is exactly why I'm abandoning Userland's Radio. One should not have to be a geek to blog. Actually, it's not even that. It's that Radio never seems to work in a direct way, but always in some...http://radio.weblogs.com/0112956/2003/08/27.html#a2 (Untitled)- August 27, 2003 In pure frustration over Radio's determined clunkiness, I've switched to TypePad. It is so much easier to work with. You can now find my current blog at: http:waywest.typepad.com Please change your bookmarks to the new address, since I can't even get Userland to recognize that I've paid the renewal license to keep this site up. Given their level of customer service, this site may go dark even though I sent them the $40. Pure frustration... Thanks!http://radio.weblogs.com/0112956/2003/08/27.html#a1 |