Troupsburg NewsLocal news for Troupsburg, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Top senator vows to fight to keep troopers in schools- February 8, 2008 "We're taking from Peter to pay Paul at the expense of public safety." ALBANY -- The state Senate will consider restoring $14 million to the state budget so that the state police can maintain its program of having troopers stationed in some public schools, a key senator said ... via Star-Gazette Pulling troopers from rural schools a big mistake- February 5, 2008 Years ago, long before the slaughter at Columbine High School in April 1999, few parents would have given much thought to a full-time police officer patrolling a school. via Star-Gazette Districts fight to keep troopers- February 2, 2008 "We won't be able to have the kind of service that he provides." Districts fight to keep troopers Spitzer wants to shift state police efforts to high-crime areas. via Star-Gazette.COM |