Upsala NewsLocal news for Upsala, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Updated: Postponements and cancellations- May 30, 2008 The following events have had schedule changes due to weather: Thursday's Section 6-2A title game between Rocori and Albany has been postponed until Friday as well; the game will be played at 6 p.m. at Dick ... Vietnam vet lost much during war; but gained so much more, he says- May 9, 2008 "On Memorial Day, we honor people who have bled and died for us. John Hovde has bled, and died, for us." He lost his left arm and his left leg. What he didn't lose was his sense of humor. via HometownSource 35 years later, the college degree will be in hand for Marlene Hovland, Upsala- May 6, 2008 Marlene Hovland, Upsala, started college in 1969. In 1971 she married and put her college career aside for the next 35 years. via HometownSource |