Archie NewsLocal news for Archie, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.COLUMBIA - Mid-Missouri children grow up surrounded by farms. But...- September 27, 2007 "Probably about 10,000 of those will be school kids so we think it will be a place people will really enjoy visiting" Mid-Missouri children grow up surrounded by farms. But many have never set foot in a barn. via KOMU-TV Columbia Missouri High School Football - Rich Hill prevails Archie- September 23, 2007 The crowd at Friday's league contest between the Rich Hill Tigers and the host Archie Whirlwinds , observed Rich Hill's football squad defeat Archie by a count of 27-19. The Tigers now own a 3-1 record. via MaxPreps Across the metro: De Soto rejects school bonds again- September 19, 2007 "Our thoughts and prayers are with Mark and his family and all of the persons involved in this most difficult situation" De Soto school bonds voted down againDe Soto School District voters have rejected a $70.5 million bond issue, the second time within a year that residents there have opposed such a proposal.Unofficial election results were released Tuesday. The proposed bond issue included $51 million mainly for additional classroom and building space.Some school board members called the... Missouri High School Football - Osceola nips Archie- September 18, 2007 In Friday's league match, the host Osceola Indians football squad scored a close 19-14 victory over the Archie Whirlwinds. via MaxPreps |