Andrew Shearer’s Drivel99 44/100 percent pureProvidence Web Developer Lunch Hour- September 13, 2007 If you&8217;re going to be in the downtown Providence, RI area tomorrow, Thursday Sept. 13, please join us for the monthly Web Developer Lunch Hour meetup. This time, my coworker Chris will demo Ruby on Rails. Please RSVP RI Nexus Beta- September 12, 2007 Check out the beta of the new RI Nexus site, full of news and resources about information techonology and digital media in Rhode Island. I wrote some new Drupal modules to support it. Feedback and suggestions are welcome! Announcing Migraine, a Drupal Site Migration Tool- September 4, 2007 Thanks to Noosphere Networks, I&8217;m releasing a script that helps developers of web sites built with Drupal to maintain separate developmenttest and production sites, pushing changes from test to production as needed. This is challenging with a stock Drupal installation. Changes to PHP code are no problem, because it lives in the filesystem and can ... Providence PHP September Meetup- September 4, 2007 I&8217;m holding the next PHP meetup for the RI area tomorrow evening (Tuesday) at Trinity Brewhouse in downtown Providence. If you&8217;d like to join us for free-form discussion of web development, PHP, and various types of beer, please RSVP. |