Steven Rubio's Online Life"I'm frequently asked why I don't write my memoirs. I think I have." -- Pauline Kaelthanks for the charity advice- July 15, 2008 Thanks to everyone who suggested possible recipients for our "stimulus check." Every suggestion was a good one. We decided to split the money in two. Half goes to the Fisher House Foundation, suggested by Mitja and seconded by Ron. They... 1968: july 14- July 15, 2008 There's a new 1 song in town: a man of his word- July 14, 2008 Here's a different kind of sports' story, one that might even interest the non-fan. It is hard to explain to outsiders just how pathetic is that status of the San Jose Earthquakes in the soccer world. The USA is not... at the all-star break- July 14, 2008 The Giants come to the All-Star break with precious little good news, although what is good is very, very good. To get the good out of the way: Tim Lincecum is boggling minds. Fellow starting pitchers Jonathan Sanchez and Matt... |