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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for April 2002

(Untitled) - April 26, 2002

InfoWorld: MS exec claims error on .Net Server date.

(Untitled) - April 26, 2002

First Impressions with the Compact Framework Hey, it works. Haven't crashed anything so far. The memory usage for a "does almost nothing" executable is much lower than it was with Embedded Visual Basic. My Winsock.LocalIP problem still exists with System.Net.IPHostEntry, must be a problem with the underlying CE APIs. Almost none of the APIs exclusive to CE are exposed. This is very disappointing, as Pocket PC for CE.NET isn't going to happen this year. I'm going to have to learn that PInvoke...

(Untitled) - April 25, 2002

Using the .NET CF SDE Beta with VB.NET Microsoft is only supporting the .NET CF SDE Beta 1 with full-blown Visual Studio.NET. If you are using stand-alone VB.NET, the Beta will install without any errors but you will not be able to create any new "Smart Device Application" projects. The wizards never appears. After some head-banging, I figured out how to make it work. Open <vs_net_path>Vb7VBProjectssmartDeviceApp.vsz in a text editor. Find the line that...

(Untitled) - April 25, 2002

Expand .NET beyond Windows: The arguments for moving .NET beyond Windows seem logical, and certainly the success of Java stands as a testimony that it's technically realistic. Unfortunately, it's also not quite that simple. Sam Ruby Am I the only one that grasps the .Net CLR as a hedge against future Windows unprofitability When that day comes, having .Net on other platforms will save Microsoft's applications business. The beauty of it for Microsoft is that the Open Source community will do...

(Untitled) - April 25, 2002

InfoWorld: Windows .Net Server now due in mid-2003 I'm thinking that no one really cares. Windows .Net Server has been caught up in the overall .Net hype. Microsoft needs to do a better job of explaining what this OS brings to the table beyond .Net being baked-in. Why should Windows 2000 servers be upgraded

(Untitled) - April 25, 2002

Use the Configuration File to Store Settings. This article shows you how to use the .config file to store application settings. Sam Gentile's Radio Weblog

(Untitled) - April 25, 2002

Happy Happy, Joy Joy I've been accepted for the Smart Device Extensions and .Net Compact Framework beta! 40MB downloaded, 55MB to go... Yeah baby, yeah!
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