The RFID WeblogImplementation and Application of RFID technologyRFID Cigarette vending machine with face recognition software: Are they foolproof- July 14, 2008 Japanese want to ensure that their young citizens don&39;t end up in the trap of smoking and destroy their lives and keeping their health in mind they have come up with an RFID based cigarette vending machine with face recognition software. Recently in order to curb smoking habits among the underage more than 570,000 cigarette vending machines were fitted with RFID readers so that their age verification cards could be checked before cigarettes were dispensed to them. People without age... RFID tickets at China Olympics 2008 but only for the opening and closing ceremonies- July 10, 2008 I had earlier talked about how RFID tickets would be a major feature at China Olympics 2008 but it has been reported that RFID Olympic tickets will only be available for the most sought after event of the Olympics - the opening and closing ceremonies. So what will these tickets feature besides RFID It will feature address, passport and email details besides photograph of the person but tickets released to the press didn&39;t show such thing so its still not sure whether your picture will be.. Printable RFID could soon be a reality- July 9, 2008 midnightcomm What if electronic components could be directly printed on organic materials such as fabrics, paper and plastic This would surely bring down the costs of printing RFID tags and we could find RFID on almost every article on the rack and even on those items on which it is difficult to print tags. A European research group has taken the initiative for developing printable electronics which could be used for creating RFID tags. Researchers are working on Labratester 2, a gravure... RFID transponders or beautiful pieces of art- July 8, 2008 RFID transponders are not something which most of you would like to give a second look but you would have to eat your words when you give a look to these designs. These are some of the pretty RFID transponders which were spotted at RFID Expo and most of us would surely stop and wonder whether these are RFID transponders or some beautiful pieces of art. It looks like the engineer entrusted with the job of creating these RFID transponders is blessed with a brain of a designer for sure!! See... Tag-it HF-I Transponder: All that glitters is not gold- July 7, 2008 How many of you believe the yellow shining object in the picture above is gold A lot of you might be fooled by its shine but I must also remind you that all that glitters is not gold. Let me tell you this is not gold rather it is an RFID transponder which was spotted at the RFID Expo in Tokyo by PingMag. It is a Tag-it HF-I Plus Transponder Inlay from Texas Instrument with 13.56 MHz and 2 Kb memory. It has been inked and sewn onto tape and most of us must have felt that it is the latest... Agility: Foam based RFID tags can work with liquids and metals- July 2, 2008 One of the problems generally faced with RFID tags is that they are not able to perform near liquids or metal as they tend to interfere with RF waves. Keeping in mind these limitations ITTC at University of Kansas has developed Agility which is a passive UHF tag aimed at overcoming the problems faced when using them near the materials stated above. It is a foam attached tag (FAT) which is around 216 inches thick. It works perfectly near liquids, metals and free spaces and can be read from a... |