The RFID WeblogImplementation and Application of RFID technologyTip 'n Tell: It will make your shopping more interactive- June 28, 2008 Everyday hundreds of new products lands on the shelves of shopping stores but how many of them are really able to make a place for themselves in the shopping cart of the customer The answer is very few since customers are pretty apprehensive about trying a new brand of product until and unless they have some prior information about it or recommendation from some friend or relative. Here is Tip &39;n Tell, a prototype mobile shopping assistant comprising of a PDA and plug-in RFID interrogator. Panasonic Toughbook CF-U1: The rugged mobile PC- June 27, 2008 The name speaks for itself. This is a rugged and ultra mobile PC from the stables of Panasonic. The company claims it is pretty rugged when compared to other products in the league and it comes with the latest low power Intel Atom processor. Its small in size too as it measures 2.2 x 7.2 inches in length and 5.9 inches in depth. It comes with a LCD touch screen which is even visible in sunlight and also has an option of fingerprint scanner for user authentication. Data can be captured via 1D. Personal Assistant for Visually Impaired People: RFID System for the Blind- June 26, 2008 Being a visually handicapped person can certainly make one&39;s life difficult when compared to a healthy human being. If you consider the scene around the world then the facilities are pretty grim when seen from the viewpoint of handicapped people. But it looks that the scenario is expected to change in Europe where authorities are looking towards improving the facilities for visually handicapped people. Keeping this vision in mind Swiss public transport agency is coming up with an RFID... Chuck your cars in favor of High Tech RFID Aluminum Bikes- June 26, 2008 With gas prices touching the sky it seems I will have to soon chuck my fuel guzzling car in favor of environment friendly bikes which have been tasting dust in my garage since I passed out from school. There seems to be a sudden rise in the bike sharing programs, all thanks to the rising oil barrel prices where a Public Bike System has been started off in Montreal. All you need to do is log on to a website, check up the location of rental unit in your vicinity and get real time information... Ready for RFID embedded school emblems- June 24, 2008 If I ask you what is in the picture above you will simply respond that it is the emblem of a Japanese school uniform but it is not just any ordinary school emblem rather it is an RFID embedded school emblem spotted at the RFID Expo in Tokyo. Tags in the range of high frequency to ultra high frequency can work pretty well on these emblems even in humid environments. These RFID emblems could be used by teachers as a means of keeping a watch on school children but I was just wondering whether... Micromagnets can act as RFID tags for MRI Technology- June 21, 2008 In the world of color MRI technology is still black and white and as a result it cannot differentiate between cells at single cell level but all this is expected to change for the good. In the future MRI technology could turn colorful as customized microscopic magnets could turn this around and at the same time increase the sensitivity and information revealed by images. These magnets acting as smart tags could lead to better identification of particular physiological conditions for diagnosis. RFID bike sharing program: A great way to stay fit- June 17, 2008 I still remember during the mid nineties huge hue and cry was raised about the rising pollution levels and vanishing spaces which led to a bike sharing program revolution being ushered in US to counter these problems but with no locks or deposits the system fizzed out with each vanishing bike on the road. This might have become history but with rising gas prices over the past few months has forced history to repeat itself with the launch of first high-tech bike-sharing program in America and.. RFID Robotic Chair: Your constant companion in the library- June 16, 2008 If you are an old person and an avid reader at the same time then you would surely feel discomfort standing among the book shelves in libraries scanning through various books and journals for long hours. Even though your mind may not feel tired but your limbs might surely start screaming for help but now your legs would surely thank RFID a hundred thousand times. Here is an RFID robotic chair which has been designed by Jelte van Geest and the good thing about this chair is that when you... Badge2match: Network with like minded people- June 12, 2008 Most of the conferences I attend tend to be boring leaving me half asleep in my seat for most of the time but all this is expected to change with the Badge2match system which is an interactive badge implementing RFID technology. The interactive badge searches for attendees at conference with similar interests and in case it finds out someone who matches the interests it sends out attention signal and lights up in the same color pattern. A programmed smart card is placed in the badge holder... RFID Technology and Applications: Covers RFID Applications comprehensively- June 10, 2008 Photo courtesy of iStockphoto, Grzegorz Lepiarz People who are in love with RFID must take a look at RFID Technology and Applications which has been edited by Sanjay E. Sarma, Stephen B. Miles and John R. Williams. These known names are Auto-ID Labs leaders at MIT. As the name of the book implies it includes plethora of topics related to RFID technology covering active and passive FID systems, integration issues, RFID implementation challenges, tag optimization performance, RTLS and sensors. |