the weblog of drew domkusthe rambling thoughts from drew domkus of the dawn and drew showhanging out with JBOT- October 24, 2007 we saw Captured! by Robots last night in Milwaukee. great show! the whole &8220;Dubya&8221; theme was awesome. best set I&8217;ve seen them do so far. I helped JBOT break down all the robots after the show and load them into his RV. he followed us to the farm and stayed the night. it was very cool ... updating with my iPhone- October 23, 2007 you know, I seem to update twitter more often on my phone but I hadn&8217;t updated my blog yet from it. so here goes&8230; no 140 character limit and the wordpress interface works just fine on the phone too. it may be more of a pain to link to things, but if it&8217;s that important I ... |