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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for June 2008

Tie-Dyed Brain Rays

Random thoughts and musings that seep out of my head, despite the foil hat.

Dan Linehan: Spaceship One - June 28, 2008

Powered by I spoke With Dan Linehan about his new book, "Spaceship One: An Illustrated History." If you are a space geek, a tech freak, or just somebody who wants to inspire their kid to grow up to be...

Nashville Stars - June 24, 2008

Listen to my interviews with Nashville Star contestants Melissa Lawson and Coffey Anderson in the post continuation.

On Vox: Live At SyFyPortal.Com Tonight 10pm ct, 11pm et - June 19, 2008

I'll be part of a live panel discussion on SyFyPortal's Internet radio broadcast beginning about 10:20 tonight (Central Time.) I'll be talking about my experience at the recent Fedcon USA fiasco in Dallas. You can check it out live at......

Epic Fail-Con USA: Putting The Con In Convention - June 16, 2008

LynchMobOrganizer on the Fedcon USA boards wrote filk lyrics on the Epic Fail-Con USA meme, sung to the tune to "Faith of the Heart." Epic Fail Con To the tune of "Faith of the Heart"(Enterprise Theme) ------------------------------ It'll be a...

Epic Fail-Con USA - June 16, 2008

Here's the official story of how Fedcon USA collapsed from Tim Brazeal: There are a dozen reasons that lead to the downfall of FedConUSA, and truth be told, none of them are pretty. We could have been more organized. We...

Fedcon USA Self-destructs in Dallas - June 15, 2008

Fedcon USA imploded today. I'll provide the postmortem tomorrow. Right now I'll leave you with the post I logged on the Fedcon USA forum: I host a News-Talk radio show on KXYL FM in Brownwood, Texas-- about 200 miles away...

Where No Me Has Gone Before - June 12, 2008

Captain's log: Stardate 0608.11 we are in orbit around the planet Fedcon, our mission-- to make contact with the inhabitants and observe their strange social rituals. This away mission promises to be unlike anything I've encountered before. This weekend Victoria...
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