Sugarmill Woods NewsLocal news for Sugarmill Woods, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Year in Review: Highway to Hernando- December 27, 2007 "I wouldn't say no build. We have an approved project. I would say the county commission has the ability in 2009 to approve or not approve the project" State gears up for election With all the hoopla about presidential caucuses in the news media, some people might be getting confused about the voting scheduled for Floridians at the end of January. via Citrus County Chronicle Fire victims showered with continued community good will- December 20, 2007 "I mean, people are coming out of the woodwork" Fire victims showered with continued community good will Community support for a nine-member Crystal River family that lost everything in a fire Monday continued to grow this week as two banks opened accounts ... via Citrus County Chronicle |