The Open Source WeblogThe Open Source WeblogInstall the JRE in Debian- June 28, 2006 Filed under: debian, kubuntu, javaAs I recently pointed out, Sun finally changed its license so that distros like Debian can include the Sun JRE. Thanks, Sun! Here's the command you need to run: apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin sun-java5-fonts sun-java5-bin That'll do it, fair readers. (Check out all of our posts on Sun and Java.)Permalink Email this Linking Blogs Comments Move the mouse with your keyboard in KDE- June 27, 2006 Filed under: kde, mouse, keyboardFile this under "I should have known about this but didn't." Let's say you don't have a mouse, or your mouse is having problems, yet you still need to somehow move your pointer from A to B. It's easy in KDE: press Alt-F12. You can now move the pointer with your arrow keys. When you're finished, press Alt-F12 again, & you're back to the mouse. Easy peasy. How do you do this in GNOME Let us know! (Check out all of our posts on KDE and the... YADR: Yet Another Dapper Review- June 26, 2006 Filed under: kubuntu, reviewDapper Drake, the new version of KUbuntu is out, and it rocks. I've been using the beta for awhile, & I'm very very very happy. For an interesting review that's chock full of screenshots & useful info about software to install, check out Ubuntu Dapper Review. In particular, there's nice info about getting the nVidia drivers installed, and even the coolest eye candy in the world, XGL. I'll be posting more in coming days, so keep posted ... & if you haven't. Access data stored on NTFS drives with ease- June 23, 2006 Filed under: ntfsSteven J. Vaughan-Nichols has a great little review of Paragon's NTFS for Linux driver, which can help you access & recover data stored on drives formatted with NTFS from Linux. This is important stuff guys, as it helps Linux users work with Windows in ways that help us get around MSFT's attempts to lock people into their own special formats. And while Paragon's software is proprietary, it's reasonably priced, with the Personal edition (which works on a bootable CD) at only. Brilliant guide to installing software in KUbuntu- June 22, 2006 Filed under: kubuntuWindows & Mac OS make it really, really simple to install software because there's really only one way to install: click on Setup.exe or Install.exe in the case of Windows, or a .dmg in the case of Mac OS. Linux is more difficult because there's such a variety of packaging formats. Now here comes the excellent How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!, which delivers exactly what it says. This puppy covers the package manager as a concept, the APT GUI Synaptic, using APT via... Stripped down KDE- June 21, 2006 Filed under: kde, auditorRobert volunteers for a St. Louis organization called ByteWorks, which takes old PCs & refurbs them, then teaches kids how to use 'em. At that point, the kids get to keep the PCs. Pretty cool program. Robert is helping them move from old versions of Windows to Linux, which is great. Unfortunately, these machines are so old that "modern" Linux desktops like GNOME and KDE are too much. Here's what I suggested: <begin my email to Robert> If this was for... My new book - Linux Phrasebook - is out!- June 20, 2006 Filed under: bash, booksI'm really proud to announce that my 3rd book is now out & available for purchase: Linux Phrasebook. My first book - Don't Click on the Blue E!: Switching to Firefox - was for general readers (really!) who wanted to learn how to move to and use the fantastic Firefox web browser. I included a lot of great information for more technical users as well, but the focus was your average Joe. My second book - Hacking Knoppix - was for the more advanced user who wanted to... Convert WAV files to MP3 or FLAC- June 20, 2006 Filed under: music, rip-mix-burn, mp3, flacAssume you have a whole mess of WAV files that you want to convert. First let's turn them into MP3s. lame --preset insane wav This basically creates the mp3 at 320, which is, uh, insane, but it's the highest quality level. If its not 320, I don't want it. You may choose 192 or above; unless it's speech, I would NEVER use anything less than 192. Now let's convert your WAVs to FLAC files. shntool conv -o flac .wav If you're using a Debian-based... Slide shows based on HTML, CSS, & JavaScript- June 19, 2006 Filed under:, office, ericmeyer, daveraggett, html, css, presentationsPowerPoint pretty much sucks, for a variety of reasons. And in that group I also include Impress (which I personally choose to suffer through) and Apple's Keynote. They all just suck in different ways. Being a Web dude, I've always looked for a web-based solution, and now there appears to be two contenders: Dave Raggett's Slidy (he's the guy who invented the awesome Tidy, so you know he's a smart. One of the many reasons I like KUbuntu- June 16, 2006 Filed under: kubuntu, humorKUbuntu has its own bug-tracking system, Launchpad. Go check out bug 1, available at https:launchpad.netdistrosubuntu+bug1. Awesome. I heart Mark Shuttleworth. (Check out all of our posts on KUbuntu.)Permalink Email this Linking Blogs Comments |