Stewartsville NewsLocal news for Stewartsville, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.What's Happening in Warren County- February 23, 2008 SATURDAY, Feb. 23 The Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church, 17 Greenwich Church Road, Stewartsville, will sponsor a Spaghetti Dinner, from 5 to 7 p.m. The cost is adults $8, children 4 to 12, $6; and children ... via NJ.com Norwin School Board OKs $15.2M bond issue- February 19, 2008 "I'm being conservative. This is the worst-case scenario" Norwin School Board approved a $15.2 million bond issue Monday to cover the costs to reconstruct Stewartsville Elementary School in North Huntingdon. via PittsburghLIVE.com |