Varnamtown NewsLocal news for Varnamtown, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Brunswick: Need to Know- October 25, 2007 BRUNSWICK COUNTY Schools join forces for band showcase If you like big marching bands and the music they play, the annual Brunswick County Bands Showcase is for you. via StarNewsOnline.com Volunteers sign up for Lockwood Folly pollution tracking- October 23, 2007 "The river really can't handle much more because of growth around the river." Varnamtown More than 20 Brunswick County residents showed up Monday night ready to help the N.C. Coastal Federation's latest effort to reduce pollution in the Lockwood Folly River. via StarNewsOnline.com Need to know- October 19, 2007 "It does not cover private wells." LOCKWOOD FOLLY Group recruiting pollution trackers The N.C. Coastal Federation is seeking volunteers to help with a study that will identify sources of pollution in the Lockwood Folly River. via StarNewsOnline.com Shellfish in short supply- October 13, 2007 "My grandchildren are not going to see our way of life that we had" Varnamtown Marlene Varnam remembers stepping outside her home in this quaint river town on the first day of oyster season and being able to smell the roasting shellfish. via StarNewsOnline.com |