Varnamtown NewsLocal news for Varnamtown, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Memorial erected to honor Ocean Isle Beach fire victims- May 26, 2008 Bradshaw murder suspect's criminal history spans more than 12 years Craig Bryant, one of two suspects charged with the murder of Shallotte Realtor Adam Bradshaw, has a lengthy criminal history spanning more ... New school name still undecided- May 24, 2008 Community colleges to no longer admit illegal immigrants Based on advice from the Office of the Attorney General, the North Carolina Community College System will no longer admit undocumented or illegal ... Varnamtown ponders zoning for its fishing village- May 22, 2008 Varnamtown ponders zoning for its fishing village By LAURA LEWIS, Staff writer VARNAMTOWN - 'Town leaders are pondering a proposal to adopt zoning for this Brunswick County fishing village. |