Walkertown NewsLocal news for Walkertown, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Medals for Meritorious Service: Military couple has his and hers Bronze Stars- December 22, 2007 "I've always wanted to be in the Army ever since I was little" During their Army service in Iraq, a married couple from Charlotte has apparently made a bit of military history.Christina and Michael Martin are captains in the Army and have just finished 15-month tours in Iraq. They were both awarded Bronze Star medals for meritorious service last month.She got hers for developing a mass casualty plan that probably saved lives in a Baghdad hospital. He served as executive officer of a tank unit..http://www.topix.net/city/walkertown-nc/2007/12/medals-for-meritorious-service-military-co... Latino Credit Union to Open Another N.C. Branch- December 15, 2007 "The credit union's flexibility on identification will help, and there is a growing number of Hispanic Realtors that it could gain business from." Richard Craver -- Winston-Salem Journal A financial institution geared toward Hispanic consumers said yesterday that it plans to enter the Forsyth County market in the spring. via Hispanic Businesshttp://www.topix.net/city/walkertown-nc/2007/12/latino-credit-union-to-open-another-n-c-br... |