Suppressed A conservative news site without the liberal spin. We publish what others suppress!Hot Dogs or a Bunch of Baloney- (Found July 15, 2008 ) When is a hot dog considered to be not good enough for a person to eat Apparently, when that hot dog is being served to inmates at the Covington County, Alabama Jail. Since the escape of three inmates and the disappearance of another from a work release detail, the topic of the food at the jail has somehow become conversation fodder. A Life of Value- (Found July 15, 2008 ) For the last few months the nation watched the battle that was fought in Florida over the life of a brain-damaged woman named Terri Schiavo. I believe we may have may taken a major step toward making compassionate killing acceptable. Family Secrets- (Found July 15, 2008 ) The Schiavo family tragedy, which has begotten such bitter national controversy, reminds us how complicated and vexed family matters can be. The Separation of Truth and State- (Found July 15, 2008 ) The American people have been bamboozled for more than a generation now that their government can safely ignore God and his moral standards. What if there is a God Opposition to Immigration in UK Rising- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Labour and the Liberal Democrats attempted to paint Michael Howard as an extreme Right-winger on immigration yesterday amid signs that his policy is winning widespread support. Getting Serious About the War on Spam- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Jeremy Jaynes, a Raleigh businessman who rose to No. 8 on a list of "spam kingpins," broke the nation's toughest spam law by churning out more than 100,000 unsolicited e-mails a month. The End of a Papacy- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Thomas Jefferson was a great man, but not necessarily a great president. In the same way, I'm not sure that John Paul II has been a great pope; but I have no doubt that he is a very great man. He's still proving it. Higher Taxes Without Greater Accountability- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Now that most of us have dutifully filed our federal and state income tax returns, it might be interesting to get some insights that may help put our tax burden into perspective. The Lost Art of Speaking- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Not long ago, I read that Hollywood is worried about a shortage of young male stars who can play big roles. I'm not surprised. And I think I can give the chief reason in a single word: voices. Legal Fiction- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Have conservative Republicans been inconsistent, even hypocritical, in seeking Federal intervention to save Terri Schiavo What about the principles of states' rights and the sanctity of the family |