Verona NewsLocal news for Verona, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Verbatim: "Is this the time to invest in land"- June 27, 2008 THE real estate market may have cooled, but investor demand may soon be heating up for at least one type of property: land. The End of the Age of Innocence Why More Kids Are Turning to Drugs At Such an Early Age- June 25, 2008 Stephen Della Valle discusses the problems with the accessibility to prescription and over-the-counter drugs, and what parents need to know to educate them of the dangers 24-7PressRelease - OAK RIDGE, NJ, ... Investors Swoop In as Land Prices Fall- June 23, 2008 Investor demand for undeveloped land is increasing as prices decline in many areas. Animator says "Urduja" claim as first Pinoy animated movie is false- June 19, 2008 World-class Filipino animator Gerry Garcia said he is really upset with reports and claims that the new film "Urduja" is the Philippines' first full-length animated movie. Five congregations celebrate Ten Commandments: All-night Torah study inspires reflection- June 13, 2008 As dusk crept in on Sunday night, the glass doors of Bnai Keshet Synagogue were covered with handprints. Too hot for June- June 11, 2008 Somewhere in the midst of fanning himself, wiping the sweat from his brow and repositioning his chair so it would stay in the shade, a thought occurred to Al Andrews. Bond's Is Back, Sort Of- June 9, 2008 Last September there was the designation memorializing the Bond's in Montclair. Now, Verona has take Bond's nostalgia one scoop further. Trail to the chiefInvestigation report: Chief LaBruno faulted, SWAT useless- June 7, 2008 The report describes the Hoboken Police Department's recently disbanded SWAT team as "more than a waste of money andor time," but also a breeding ground for departmental misconduct, according to press reports. Funeral Home Runs on Solar Power- June 3, 2008 Bob Prout, owner of the Prout Funeral Home in Verona, New Jersey, installed an array of solar panels on the roof of his business about three years ago. Lesson for students: You're being watched- June 1, 2008 Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Florham Park campus say it's comforting to be watched by campus authorities. |