Top Headlines from World Press ReviewWorld News ReviewThe Bonfire of the Townships: Purging South Africa- May 28, 2008 Many left-leaning ideologues have responded to the spectacles of mass arson ongoing in the "townships" of Gauteng and elsewhere in South Africa with characteristic ambiguity. Discounts on Democracy in Europe: Who Should Determine How One Self-Determines- May 19, 2008 Both Greece and Bulgaria stubbornly refuse to comply with decisions by the European Court of Human Rights to allow the registration of the political parties of their Macedonian minorities. In the Belly of the Presidential Convoy- May 18, 2008 I saw a willing president who, according to his presidential and public affairs minister, wants to "bring the State House closer to the people and the people closer to State House." Aid Consultancies: Is the Money Well Spent- May 8, 2008 That consultants enrich themselves from the generosity of donor nations undermines the whole point of foreign aid. It spreads cynicism among those in the field providing aid and among donor nations. |