Advogato blog for SpookyAdvogato blog for Spooky26 Apr 2004- April 26, 2004 I've finally got around to attacking the back-log of patches for gnome-games, but there are still a few to go. If you've got one currently submitted and don't see anything happening within a week prod me. Luis' new patch-status query is telling me I've got a lot more to do than I expected which I suppose means that it's achieved it's purpose. The new features in gnome-games from the patch list include a new (harder) AI for Iagno (thanks to Bevan Collins) and a new Mahjongg layout (from... 22 Apr 2004- April 22, 2004 Doonesbury My time in the US gave me enough understanding of american life and politics to appreciate the Doonesbury cartoons. I regularly follow them on the web and yesterdays (depending on timezone) cartoon strip was fairly stunning. However I'm clearly still don't fully understand Doonesbury when it seems more people are shocked by B.D.'s helmet coming off after 30-something years than the fact that his leg has been blown off. I suppose some things you have to grow up with (I defy any... |