Titanic NewsNews on Titanic continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Rees Out at Williamstown- October 23, 2007 "The Film Society"). He directed B.D. Wong in "Herringbone" Roger Rees, the Tony Award-winning Welsh actor who took over the reins of the Williamstown Theatre Festival three years ago, will be stepping down from his position as artistic director, according to sources. via Hartford Couranthttp://www.topix.net/movies/titanic/2007/10/rees-out-at-williamstown?fromrss=1 Watch this Sunday night- October 14, 2007 In the midst of slapstick silliness, last week's episode handed out two key plot points. via Asbury Park Presshttp://www.topix.net/movies/titanic/2007/10/watch-this-sunday-night?fromrss=1 Tune in this Weekend: Lifetime's - Gathering' a miniseries to crow about- October 13, 2007 Peter Gallagher played a pretty cool dad on "The O.C." But even Sandy Cohen would be way out of his league in "The Gathering" , a spooky new miniseries. via Reading EagleReading Timeshttp://www.topix.net/movies/titanic/2007/10/tune-in-this-weekend-lifetimes-gathering-a-min... |