Sylvain Carle: ReferenceFor future reference - Pour référence future.(Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) Wcc Radio and Frontier Docserver3rd party mirror of the Userland documentation server with updates and comments. Pas mal pratique lorsque mon Usertalk dérape...Via Roland Tanglao's Weblog (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) Parallel Cables Length Limits: 15 pieds en théorie, 9 à 12 dans la pratique. Question plate mais qui demandait réponse dans le cadre de mes activitées quotidienne, que voulez-vous, il arrive encore qu'il soit nécessaire d'imprimer! (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) cmsInfocmsInfo is an internet community of users and developers of Content Management Systems. Dedicated to provide news and information of the Open Source weblog niche. If you have expertise in commercial CMS systems feel free to volunteer to help with providing information on these products. Très complet comme ressource. Quoi que parfois la distinction entre CMS, Weblog et Discussion soit mince et floue... (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) Geocrawler,Imagine having 6,000,000 Open Source developpers emails at your fingertips! Well now you do..., superbe ressource d'archive de mailing listes. (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) Vous saviez tous que le RFC 2822 remplaçait le 822, right (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) DocBook XSL stylesheets 1.54.1 releasedThe DocBook Open Repository project have released version 1.54.1 of the DocBook XSL stylesheets distribution, a set of stylesheets for use in converting DocBook XML documents to HTML, XSL-FO, Microsoft HTML Help, JavaHelp, and man pages. This release provides a number of significant enhancements. via xmlhack (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) Great FreewareWelcome to this limited collection of the very best freeware utils in the known universe. This isn't a comprehensive listing of every freeware item ever made, just the ones I think are worth downloading and using. If it ain't great, it ain't here. The hard work, generosity, imagination and creativity of the authors of the programs posted here are an infinite source of admiration and respect, so it seems only right to share these utilities with all of you. Enjoy! Une bonne liste,... (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) Web Services Architecture Usage ScenariosA collection of usage scenarios and use cases which illustrate the use of Web services, and which are used to generate requirements for the Web services architecture, as well as to evaluate existing technologies. (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) List of RSS Readers (RSS Info) via jenett.radio (Untitled)- (Found June 18, 2008 ) New Architect: Design Patterns for Web ProgrammingAll the same, MVC hasn't yet been widely adopted in Web development. MVC tools for the Web exist; a few frameworks are available, including Maverick ( and Struts (jakarta.apache.orgstruts). But like most design patterns, you don't really need a special tool to use MVC (although, a pre-built tool would probably be easier to use than rolling your own solution). So why hasn't MVC overtaken the Internet the way it has classical... |