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Feed items 1 - 10 of 25 for June 2008

Sylvain Carle: Reference

For future reference - Pour référence future.

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers and WebmastersThis tutorial explains the features and benefits of a Web format called RSS, and gives a brief technical overview of it. The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with XML and other Web technologies.

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

Information Research: an international electronic journal, volume 7 number 4 (July 2002) : special issue on the semantic web. Via UMBC AgentWeb

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

Grand Coalition web site provides information and resources about research in cooperative and noncooperative game theory with an emphasis on coalition formation. Une orgie de liens! Via UMBC AgentWeb

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

A list of Javaish weblogs. Via Joe's Jelly

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

40 règles orthographiques de base, parce que j'ai parfois le cerveau trop remplie et la matière grise qui bouillone... via Les coups de langue de la grande rousse

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

Publish and Syndicate Your News to the Web In this workshop you'll learn how to create, validate, syndicate, and view your own RSS news channel. The emphasis will be the practical application of RSS XMLRDF metadata for dynamically publishing....Via The Shifted Librarian

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

PhotoShop Shortcuts At A GlanceUtile pour les photomontages express...Moreover - moreover...

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

Unofficial Mozilla 1.0 FAQ, compiled from other FAQs, newsgroups, and IRC. Via Blogzilla - a blog about Mozilla

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

Plus de 200 000 ménages canadiens auraient décroché d'Internet Selon Statistique Canada (...) Dans le communiqué, on peut lire que "Le degré d'aisance ou de connaissance des nouvelles technologies peut jouer un rôle dans la décision d'utiliser Internet." C'est un constat qui n'est malheureusement pas surprenant, et qui est révélateur du fossé perceptuel qui existe entre les créateurs et producteurs de contenu, et les...

(Untitled) - (Found June 18, 2008 )

RadioDocsEvery great software product deserves great documentation. If this isn't it, it won't be for lack of effort... Un poit de départ incontournable pour les utilisaterus de Radio Userland (Hey Alex, tu l'as insatllé).
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- June (25 items)
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