Why Do Girls Love Spring (Besides Contests)- April 30, 2008 Tell everyone why girls love spring at Royal Buffet. . . Maybe you'll be the one to win a spring-loving, handcrafted diorama!...http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001474.html I John - Bible Study Resources- April 28, 2008 This past Wednesday, I went to a women's Bible study. It's the first one I've been to in several years. In part because other studies have been held at a very difficult time for me to attend, and in part because I don't want to take the time to attend a book study. While there are some excellent Christian living and learning books published, if I go to a Bible study then I really do want to study the Bible. (Though, I also do appreciate other get together with women of the church for getting to.http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001473.html He Wholly Followed the Lord- April 28, 2008 Rejoicing with dear friends who have had their firstborn son (he was 9 lb, 15 oz!) Our love and prayers are with you. And the child that is born on the Sabbath Day, Is bonny and blithe and good and gay....http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001472.html Small Things With Big Love- April 27, 2008 "What I tell my childbirth classes is, Having a baby is a right of passage in which you learn that life is not about you anymore. That always gets a gasp from my couples, but I figure its better to get that fact out in the open before the baby is born so they can start getting used to it. . . . With 5 children, I had many, many sleepless nights, but I cant remember a single one of them. In the larger scheme of things, they were insignificant. What WAS significant is that I spent countless..http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001471.html Parenting Freedom- April 24, 2008 Each of you are just the right mother for your children. God gave your children to you--not as a possession, but to nurture and raise to His glory. I am not the one God chose to mother your child--not me, not anyone else. Your love and God's grace are what your child needs--regardless of what parenting books, websites, and ideas you come across along the way. You will have challenges, struggles, heartaches, as well as love, joys and successes! Through it all, we learn to lean into the Lord. . ..http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001470.html QOTD- April 24, 2008 "Instead of one of those stereotypes, I'm one of those Smeagol-types." --C7, as he prances around in his pajamas-cum-loincloth before bed...http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001469.html Another Nephew!- April 23, 2008 Joy to the world All the boys and girls, now Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me Welcome, little baby J! Hubby's little sister has a firstborn son, entering the busy, breathing world today....http://www.tulipgirl.com/mt/archives/001468.html |