Discussion Section - July 15, 2008I had a friend in college whose pet peeve in discussion sections was people who began comments with, "I just feel...". I am, of course, a descriptivist and pass not judgment on this manner of speaking. However, I recognize that we bask in the summer sun, and all you slacker academics need to work through the perceived wrongs of your past semester(s). Have at it. Give us the dumb shit. Presidential anonymity, as needed....http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009011 I see the next New Yorker has arrived early - July 15, 2008Eric at The Edge of the American West has an advance copy of next week's John McCain cover. Disturbing. (I love the idea; the execution is flawed because it makes me think of John McCain's ass.)...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009010 Four kids makes it like summer camp - July 14, 2008Of the families I know, I can't shake the suspicion that there is something special about having four kids in creating a family identity. We have three kids in my family, and we've got individual relationships between siblings and each with our parents, but there's no sense of being a cohesive unit. My aunts and uncles each had two kids, and most of my friends are from two kid families, and again the individual relationships are cherished, and that's about it. But of the three four-kid families.http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009008 The court also hopes you didn't pay those shysters too much - July 14, 2008David Bernstein passes on this helpful hint: Let's say you represent a condo board. The board has forcibly removed at least two mezuzot from the homes of Jewish families in the building. The families sue, claiming intentional discrimination in violation of the Fair Housing Act. The condo board claims it is just enforcing a neutral rule. In your reply brief, you are looking for a literary allusion to describe what you believe is the illegitimate request the plaintiffs have made for money...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009009 Funny Rangel Story - July 14, 2008I just read Rangel's memoir, Haven't Had A Bad Day Since, the other week, and it had a good story about his getting hired as an AUSA. Rangel grew up as a tough kid in Harlem, with a whole bunch of sketchy friends. To be an AUSA, you have to get vetted by the FBI. Rangel's vetting wasn't going through, and he finally asked what the problem was: he found out that the FBI hadn't been able to confirm that he actually lived at his Harlem address. He had no idea how this could be -- he'd lived pretty.http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009007 You have got to be kidding me. - July 14, 2008http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009006 The Price Of Life - July 14, 2008The EPA recently reduced the value of a statistical life by 11%. Your life is now only worth $6.9M to that government agency. This number is used in costbenefit analysis to determine how many lives would need to be saved in order to justify the cost of a regulation. So now, with the lower value, more people would need to be at risk of death in order for a change be deemed cost-effective. What I find disturbing is the method used to calculate it: The EPA figure is not based on people's earning...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009005 Listen, Don't Read It - July 14, 2008Since Rob brought up NPR's "This I Believe", I have an excuse to link to this segment that I heard in the car the other day that I wanted to share with more people but was hesitant to blog because it's so touching and earnest. But Rob started it so it's all his fault....http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009004 This could be entertaining. - July 13, 2008Dad mostly sounds like a dumbass, but dumbasses get First Amendment protection just like everybody else. The T in Satan's name inked on Jamie Meyer's left leg is drawn to look like an upside-down cross. The crucifix suspended above his bed hangs upside down too.Meyer's ex-wives say he also has turned their children's lives upside down since he joined the Church of Satan--an organization that eschews spirituality and celebrates man's selfish desires. One of Meyer's ex-wives is citing his...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009003 Doesn't The Times Have Anyone Who Understands Rent Stabilization On Staff - July 13, 2008This story about Charlie Rangel's apartments in Harlem, as well as a whole lot of the blog reaction to it, betrays a real misunderstanding of how rent stabilization law works. Rangel lives in three rent stabilized apartments on 135th Street, and uses a fourth as an office, and the Times is shocked:Mr. Rangel, the powerful Democrat who is chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, uses his fourth apartment, six floors below, as a campaign office, despite state and city regulations that...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009002 |