Andy Carvin's Waste of BandwidthOccasional Musings on Internet Culture, the Media and Countless Unrelated TopicsChuck DeFeo on the Wisdom of John Adams- June 23, 2008 Notes from GOP strategist Chuck DeFeo, in which he invokes John Adams' writings on freedom of the press and how his word are more true than ever before. -andy Arianna Huffington: New Wine vs. Old Wine- June 23, 2008 My notes from Arianna Huffington's talk at the Personal Democracy Forum. -ac Clay Shirky on Collective Action- June 23, 2008 Here are my notes from Clay Shirky's presentation at PDF2008 today. Much of the talk was actually inspired by a blog post of mine two years ago about the Belarus Ice Cream Flash Mob. -andy Arianna Huffington, Matt Stoller and a Quick Qikstream- June 23, 2008 NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday conducted an interview with Arianna Huffington and Matt Stoller at the Personal Democracy Forum conference earlier today, and I tagged along to shoot a live mobile stream of it. Here's the archive of the interview: Discussing Twitter, Liveblogging and Journalism at the Guardian in London- June 20, 2008 For those of you wondering why I've been quiet for the last couple of weeks, I was in London with limited Internet access (stupid US phone doesn't work there) and then moved into our new house. I'll talk about the move later, but for now I wanted to share the podcast that was recorded of the event I attended in London, hosted by The Guardian newspaper. The event was part of a two-week series of forums on the future of journalism, and it focused on how real-time publishing tools like... Mobile post sent by acarvin- June 20, 2008 Mobile post sent by acarvin using Utterz.&160;&160;Replies.&160;&160;mp3 Save the Whales, Twitter!- June 3, 2008 Those of you who are Twitter users like I am are probably just as frustrated with the number of crashes they've been having as of late. It seems like every other time I try accessing the site I'm greeted with their error message - a whale that's being lifted by a flock of birds. It's gotten so bad, though, that some people are beginning to take it out on the poor whale. For example, my friend Keith Hopper had his own take on the whale art, with his version featuring the aftermath of the... |