Two Rivers NewsLocal news for Two Rivers, AK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Two Rivers residents rally after fire destroys home- December 23, 2007 "This is a wonderful, wonderful community when it comes to meeting needs" Ruth and Marvin Root lost their Two Rivers home late Friday night, and by Saturday afternoon the donations were already pouring in. via Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Sightings lessen, yet wolves still on dinnertime prowl- December 18, 2007 "Since then, not much has happened" It's been two weeks since any dogs have been reported killed by a wolf pack roaming the North Pole and Two Rivers area, but the wolves still appear to be lurking in the dark, eyeing their canine cousins. via Fairbanks Daily Newsminer Living with wolves may be cool, but it also can be cruel- December 16, 2007 "Oh well, that's part of living in Alaska." As a resident of Two Rivers and the owner of nine dogs - six old sled dogs and three pet Labradors - I'll be the first to admit that I'm worried about wolves roaming around my neighborhood killing dogs. via Fairbanks Daily Newsminer Daniel Leslie McCartney- December 14, 2007 TWO RIVERS, Alaska - Former Saratoga and Glenrock resident Daniel Leslie McCartney, 60, died Nov. via Fort Collins Coloradoan No recent wolf sightings in the Interior- December 12, 2007 "We are attempting to communicate with all the trappers in the area so we can keep people aware of who's doing what where and keep trappers away from dog teams" The Department of Fish and Game has not received any more sightings or reports of wolves attacking dogs in the Two RiversNorth Pole area in the past two days, according to department spokeswoman Cathie Harms. via Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Troubling wolf behavior reported- December 9, 2007 "Running from an aggressive dog increases the chance of a bite, and it's similar for wolves" The furor caused by a bold, dog-eating pack of wolves in Two Rivers escalated on Friday when the Department of Fish and Game received an unconfirmed report of a wolf following a person near 15 Mile Chena Hot ... via Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Wolf pack kills again, this time in Two Rivers- December 7, 2007 "Everything is gone. It looks like they ate her right there." A wolf pack is being blamed for the death of another dog, this time in Two Rivers. via Clarion Dispatch Trail to Chena Rec Area on the docket- December 4, 2007 "We're hoping that we get a good turnout" The borough is holding a neighborhood meeting in Two Rivers on Wednesday as the first step in developing a legal, multi-use trail from Fairbanks to the Chena River State Recreation Area at 27 Mile Chena Hot ... via Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Vandals steal almost everything from deployed Air Guard member's house- December 2, 2007 "They took many other things we are not aware of, just due to the fact that it is not our home" A resident who lives near Two Rivers is far from home at the moment, serving her country. via Fairbanks Daily Newsminer |