The Luney Bin: H. Wade MinterI owe Mark a dollarWolfpack Red!- March 24, 2008 As promised, The JMatt got me the video of the Public Service Announcement I filmed for Fox 50&8217;s What Color Do You Bleed campaign. So for those of you who can&8217;t watch Fox 50, but would still like to see me say a line on TV, here you go. And go buy a T-shirt, if ... Old News- March 12, 2008 Because I&8217;m apparently as bad at updating the new blog as the old one, this is probably old news to most people, but I have accepted a job with Rackspace, in their &8220;Segment Support&8221; group. &8220;Wait!&8221; you might say. &8220;Rackspace doesn&8217;t have a Raleigh office!&8221; Well, you&8217;d be right. The family and I ... Im Ready For My Close-Up, Mr. DeMatthews- March 12, 2008 Thanks to a request for bodies from the ever-powerful Jason &8220;JMatt&8221; Matthews, I got to appear in a TV commercial (or, more accurately, Public Service Announcement) tonight. It aired twice during American Idol on Fox 50 in Raleigh, for anyone who will admit to watching that. The PSA was for their What Color Do You ... |