Vienna NewsLocal news for Vienna, GA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Steve Ingram announces run for chief magistrate- April 25, 2008 "There is nothing partisan about being chief magistrate" Stephen J. "Steve" Ingram has announced his candidacy for chief magistrate of Crisp County. via Cordele Dispatch, Cordele, GA Bembry: Dooly board not involved in DOJ motion- April 20, 2008 "It was completely the work of the U.S. Justice Department" Do parents have the right to decide what is best for their child's education Most people would say "Yes!" Due to a motion filed by Tamara H. Kassabian on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights ... via Cordele Dispatch, Cordele, GA Vienna city hall will be moved to bank location- April 16, 2008 In a regular meeting of the Vienna City Council on Monday night, members voted to proceed with the relocation of city hall. via Cordele Dispatch, Cordele, GA In Living Color- April 14, 2008 "The first time I was told to fix my plate at a dinner party, I began looking for the crack in the china" Standing at ground level and looking up at the 26 by 50 foot mural on the back of the historic Peebles building in Nashville, one can see the detail as muralist Rod Pittam sketches in figures as he works to ... via Valdosta Daily Times |