Affiliate AdviceWhere you learn about what's going on in the affiliate industry and how you can make money from affiliate programsWidgetBucks: What Is Widget Bucks' Advertising Network All About- January 21, 2008 WidgetBucks features pay-per-click shopping widgets that help their customers (people with web sites) make money fast. WidgetBucks advertising instantly display the most popular products based on buying trends of 100 million shoppers. Thus their ads are highly engaging, which means instant dollars for you, the site owner who is displaying their ad. The "widgets" see $3-$6 CPM - pretty good compared to traditional ad networks that deliver less than $2 CPM. ListOpt's Coregistration Service Affiliate Program- January 15, 2008 ListOpt's List Builder has helped hundreds of publishers build large, highly profitable opt-in email lists. You can profit by helping your site visitors start building their own lists. Just refer them to ListOpt's Coregistration program. When they sign up fo the coregistration service offered by ListOpt, you make a commission. Very simple. Click here to check out and sign up for ListOpt's Coregistration affiliate program. Here's the Marketing copy from ListOpt's web site, that your site. Piano Wizard Affiliates Program: Learn to Play Piano Affiliate Program- January 11, 2008 Music Wizard Academy Affiliates Program The Piano WizardMusic Wizard Affiliates Program helps you earn up to 25% on the purchase of a great product. What it does is helps your visitors learn to play piano (and very soon learn to play guitar) through a really neat system and software. (It's kind of like Dance, Dance, Revolution, if you've ever seen that game). I actually discovered this product when I met the Piano Wizard Affiliates PRAffiliate Manager at the Consumer Electronics show a few.. |