Untitled Writers' GroupScience fiction and fantasy writers' group. We also dabble in mystery and horror.The Camelot Equation -- Anne Harris- October 27, 2005 Sarah, I thought of you when I heard this. It's also a cautionary tale on the dangers of academic specialization. The Science Show: 15 October 2005 - Science, Mathematics and the Riddles of Camelothttp://leutheuser.blogs.com/uwg/2005/10/the_camelot_equ.html Winter Brain Conference -- Anne Harris- October 15, 2005 Remember the Winter Brain Conference Cid goes off to in my novel-in-progress, The Cold-hearted Equation Well it's real! My brother goes every year. He sent me this link to their site. Winter Conference on Brain Researchhttp://leutheuser.blogs.com/uwg/2005/10/winter_brain_co.html |