Avoca NewsLocal news for Avoca, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Know what you eat: Food for thought at organic farming conference- February 23, 2008 "What's sad is that when children see fruit on a label, they think fruit is contained in a product" Children and food - both are major driving forces behind the work done by dietician and writer Melinda Hemmelgarn. via La Crosse Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/avoca-wi/2008/02/know-what-you-eat-food-for-thought-at-organic-f... Erik B. Baxter- February 14, 2008 Erik B. Baxter, 22, of 430 W. Doty St., Madison, Wis., died Saturday, Feb. 9, 2008, at his home. via WisInfohttp://www.topix.net/city/avoca-wi/2008/02/erik-b-baxter?fromrss=1 |