Stockton NewsLocal news for Stockton, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Flooded-out residents welcomed back to Stockton- June 25, 2008 Each delivery started the same with either Nancy Beach or Jaye Fritz, two volunteers with Garvin Brook Disaster Relief, presenting a resident with a peace lily. Flood fund ruling will be turning point for Garvin Brook group- June 11, 2008 Thursday will be a start or a start-over point for a local group trying to build flood-control structures along Garvin Brook. DWI suspect found hiding in a tree- June 3, 2008 A Winona County sheriff's deputy briefly lost his suspect after a high speed chase, but found him again by looking up into a tree. Police dog sniffs out suspect hiding in tree- June 2, 2008 A Winona County police dog found a Rochester man up a tree and out on a limb early Saturday, more than an hour after the man eluded police and crashed his car near Lewiston. |