Wareham NewsLocal news for Wareham, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Onset Blues Festival set for Aug. 2- June 30, 2008 The 16th annual Onset Blues Festival, featuring authentic American blues music, will be held Aug.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/onset-blues-festival-set-for-aug-2?fromrss=1 Wareham vet searches for stolen pics of Iraq- June 28, 2008 WAREHAM, Mass.- An Iraq war veteran says a camera and memory cards containing a thousand pictures from his time in Iraq have been stolen from his truck.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/wareham-vet-searches-for-stolen-pics-of-iraq?... Library to sponsor homeopathy program- June 26, 2008 The Wareham Free Library will present a program on homeopathy at 6:30 this evening in the meeting room.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/library-to-sponsor-homeopathy-program?fromrss... Wareham honors librarian Pillsbury's life of service- June 24, 2008 It was an emotional afternoon at the Wareham Free Library on Sunday as more than 200 people crammed into the main section to honor retiring Library Director Mary Jane Pillsbury.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/wareham-honors-librarian-pillsburys-life-of-s... New support group for families of murder victims- June 22, 2008 Beverly Myers Bailey said she could not find a support group for relatives of murder victims when she moved to Cape Cod in 2004.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/new-support-group-for-families-of-murder-vict... Resolution near on repairing road damage from trucks in Wareham- June 20, 2008 A.D. Makepeace has agreed to work with the town to repair Maple Springs Road, which has been an issue of contention with neighbors who say the road is being damaged by tractor trailers that drive along the road ...http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/resolution-near-on-repairing-road-damage-from... Upper Cape students restore 911 billboard- June 18, 2008 Six students from Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical High School restored a damaged billboard that held a painting depicting heroism on Sept.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/upper-cape-students-restore-9-11-billboard?fr... Three arrested after break in, assault- June 16, 2008 Three people were arrested Saturday for allegedly breaking into a home on Swift's Beach Road in Wareham, beating the resident and stealing money.http://www.topix.net/city/wareham-ma/2008/06/three-arrested-after-break-in-assault?fromrss... |