Walton NewsLocal news for Walton, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mower dancing- July 8, 2008 Eight blue zero-turn lawn mowers circled one another as the Rupley-Dixon Square Dancers listened to dance caller and accordion player Elaine Felger.http://www.topix.net/city/walton-in/2008/07/mower-dancing?fromrss=1 Photo Gallery: 4th of July festivities- July 6, 2008 Cass county residents had several options when it came to holiday plans on Friday.http://www.topix.net/city/walton-in/2008/07/photo-gallery-4th-of-july-festivities?fromrss=... Fun for everyone- July 5, 2008 Patriotic colors flooded the streets of Walton and Logansport's Fairview Park as local residents celebrated the Fourth of July.http://www.topix.net/city/walton-in/2008/07/fun-for-everyone?fromrss=1 Bikers set to ride for cause- July 3, 2008 Every year during the middle of summer, hundreds of motorcyclists line up one-by-one along Erie Avenue near Shooters Bar and Grill.http://www.topix.net/city/walton-in/2008/07/bikers-set-to-ride-for-cause?fromrss=1 |