Stow NewsLocal news for Stow, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Hank Investigates: Cause For Alarm- April 26, 2008 "It's a terrible situation, it should never happen." A warning for parents about the safety of their children! Smoke detectors, sprinkler systems basic fire safety protections! Wouldn't you think every Massachusetts public school has them But tonight Hank ... via Cw56.com Utility: Rate cuts ahead- April 24, 2008 "There are no other options for nuclear right now" Officials cite link to Seabrook plant The Hudson Light & Power plant's control board, being checked by oiler Manny Chaves; the public utility gets about 20 percent of its electricity from the Seabrook nuclear ... via Boston.com Governor: Mandatory universal health care at risk- April 13, 2008 "Nothing comes easy. We have to join together to reign in costs." Rising health care costs and the falling economy are threatening mandatory universal health care in Massachusetts, even as Gov. via Sentinel & Enterprise Towns hustle to add project to warrants- April 11, 2008 "We should have gotten a heads-up when the advertisement (for a request for proposal and bid) on the project went out" The Nashoba Regional School Committee has approved a $1.28 million track and field improvement project at the high school. via Worcester Telegram & Gazette Nashoba Tech wins two first-place awards at Taste of Nashoba- April 4, 2008 "Four companies approached us that night about wanting to hire our students" If you haven't eaten at The Elegant Chef, you're missing out on the best-kept secret in the Nashoba Valley. via Ayer Public Spirit |