Andover NewsLocal news for Andover, ME continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.George W. Wilson II- May 9, 2008 George W. Wilson II, died Sunday, April 6, 2008. He was born in Melrose, Mass., and educated at Phillips Academy , Harvard College, and Bentley School of Accounting and Finance. via York Weekly Whatzit Whatzit Whatzit- May 7, 2008 Remember this photo of a "What is it" The photo was taken by Milt Inman at the Andover, Maine Historical Society. via Black Bear Blog Opponents of Med-Care cite long-term debt plan- May 5, 2008 "I don't see why they have to make the towns commit for such a long period of time. There is no mechanism in place with which to cap anything. Whatever they spend, you pay. The whole overall picture doesn't seem to make efficient economic sense to me." Opposition to Med-Care Ambulance Service's second 10-year extension to its 1988 agreement with its 11-member towns continues to stream out of Andover and Rumford. via Sun-Journal Security breach affects hundreds in Andover- May 1, 2008 "I personally have had a credit card fraud. As am employer, I'm very, very guarded with Social Security information." About 70 people attending Tuesday night's selectmen meeting were audibly dismayed to learn about two recent security breaches when personal information about hundreds of residents and 49 employees was released. via Sun-Journal |