Tobler.SoftwareArchitecture()John Tobler's somewhat ordered collection of thoughts and resources mostly related to software architecture and software engineering..NET C Unified C 3.0 Specification- September 12, 2007 The C team at has a download link for a consolidated document presenting the Unified C 3.0 Specification, which brings together all prior C specs with the latest version. It weighs in at slightly over 500 pages, but looks to be the most comprehensive documentation yet available for C, and is an essential reference for any .NET developer working at the deeper levels. Database Reporting Services Architecture- September 12, 2007 There is an excellent article on Reporting Services Architecture for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS) at There is a great diagram on the first page. Reading the article from front to back is a little difficult, as it is broken up in small pieces, but the navigation menu to the right of the text is helpful for moving around when tracking down references. The article presented here is an extract from a book by Michael Lisin... |