Waddington NewsLocal news for Waddington, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Five People Homeless After Fire- December 20, 2007 Five people were left homeless Thursday morning after fire ripped through their St. via WWNY-TV Watertownhttp://www.topix.net/city/waddington-ny/2007/12/five-people-homeless-after-fire?fromrss=1 Rare Leonardo Nierman Etching SN "Arabesque I"Sold Out- December 20, 2007 RARE LEONARDO NIERMAN ETCHING SN NR SOLD OUT! NO RESERVE! This is an original hand pencil signed and numbered etching by the famous Leonardo Nierman. via Spatial Irelandhttp://www.topix.net/city/waddington-ny/2007/12/rare-leonardo-nierman-etching-s-n-arabesqu... |