Walcott NewsLocal news for Walcott, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cardboard Heroes- February 29, 2008 "When we started out with Series One, we had a hard time finding drivers to agree to be on the cards. Now it's seen as a badge of honor." As kids they may have collected baseball cards, but now that they're grown some drivers collect CAT Scale Super Trucks cards. via Road Kinghttp://www.topix.net/city/walcott-ia/2008/02/cardboard-heroes?fromrss=1 TV ads target Rep. Gayman- February 26, 2008 "This General Assembly should do something to reduce the property tax burden" A Republican-controlled political group is targeting Iowa Rep. Elesha Gayman, D-Davenport, with television ads criticizing her on property taxes and the state's right-to-work law. via Quad-City Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/walcott-ia/2008/02/tv-ads-target-rep-gayman?fromrss=1 |