Wallingford NewsLocal news for Wallingford, VT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Raising old glory: Marchers wave flags in parades across the region- May 29, 2008 A crowd of people dressed in red, white and blue lined Main Street and applauded as veterans led the Poultney Memorial Day parade with the Stateline Band and Poultney High School marching band playing patriotic ...http://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-vt/2008/05/raising-old-glory-marchers-wave-flags-in-... Mill River student dies after crash- May 27, 2008 A Mill River Union High School student was killed in a car crash Sunday. Police have identified the victim as Christine Besaw, 17, of North Clarendon.http://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-vt/2008/05/mill-river-student-dies-after-crash?fromr... Multiple counts of Arson, Accessory before and after the fact,...- May 25, 2008 LOCATION : These fires were set in numerous locations in and around Wallingford to include the access to Elfin Lake, Church Street Cemetery, Long Trail access on VT RT 140, Ice Bed Rd, Several sand pit ...http://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-vt/2008/05/multiple-counts-of-arson-accessory-before... Six Wallingford firefighters charged in arsons- May 23, 2008 Fire Chief Warren Allen has resigned and six of his firefighters - including his sons, who are officers in the department - are facing arson and related charges for allegedly setting fires around town, Vermont ...http://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-vt/2008/05/six-wallingford-firefighters-charged-in-a... Fatal Motor Vehicle Crash - Information Requested- May 21, 2008 VEHICLE 1 OPERATOR: Joshua Melen AGE: 18 SEAT BELT: Yes CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Cuttingsville VT INJURIES: Minor injuries DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE: 1997 Audi A4 DAMAGE TO VEHICLE: Major passenger side damage ...http://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-vt/2008/05/fatal-motor-vehicle-crash-information-req... |