Wallingford Center NewsLocal news for Wallingford Center, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Trophy Cupcakes up for Best of Daily Candy 2007- December 29, 2007 From Flickr user razzleswirl Daily Candy can't seem to make up its mind whether it loves or hates cupcakes, but we'll give them the benefit of the doubt since their various city sites do post quite often about ... via All Cupcakes, All The Timehttp://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-center-ct/2007/12/trophy-cupcakes-up-for-best-of-dai... Drive-by art on display in downtown Wallingford- December 17, 2007 "We figured instead of using the window for doing some sort of display, we would use it to let people show off their art." Rick Myers described Wallingford Center Inc.'s new venture as "casual pedestrian art." It's so casual in fact, onlookers won't even need to leave their cars to view it. via Record-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/wallingford-center-ct/2007/12/drive-by-art-on-display-in-downtow... |