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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for June 2008

Surely You're Not Serious

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley

Maybe Its Just Me - June 24, 2008

Okay, I need a sanity check here. First, watch this YouTube clip of a Heinz commercial currently running in the UK. Do you get it Mayo with a New York deli flavor. Mom is making the sandwiches with New York deli flavor, so Mom &8220;appears&8221; as a rough, tough, stereotypical New York butcher. Get it ...

WBQotW Where It All Began - June 23, 2008

Some of you may not have been around when I first explained the White Board Quip of the Week. I touched on its origins in the first WBQotW post. There I mention the first true weekly quips that showed up on my cubicle white board when I interned at Hewlett Packard, my first &8220;real&8221; job ...

No News Is BAD News - June 23, 2008

(You may want to read the WSJ editorial that inspired this post.) Have you noticed all the news coverage of the war in Iraq lately No! Funny. Neither have I. I remember not too very long ago national news was reporting deaths and casualties daily. When there were no soldiers lives that they could gloat over, ...

WBQotW 140 - June 16, 2008

It seems that every human has a miraculous, powerful, innate ability to justify the dumb things they do. (Hey, that would make a pretty good white board quip itself.) I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve ...
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