Warminster NewsLocal news for Warminster, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bucks sets new fees for morgue services- June 29, 2008 Bucks County commissioners last week adopted a set of charges for services, such as body storage, that the newly opened morgue in Warminster can handle.http://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/bucks-sets-new-fees-for-morgue-services?fr... Henry brothers score Grassroots double- June 27, 2008 Harnesslink - New Zealand Joseph Myers of Jamesville, PA and Linda Worrell of Warminster, PA share ownership on the talented young trotter. Ritchie and Steacy made their second...READ MOREhttp://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/henry-brothers-score-grassroots-double?fro... Warminster Cops Nab Gang Suspect- June 27, 2008 phillyBurbs.com Philadelphia,PA,USA By MATT COUGHLIN - A gang suspect from New York who has been on the run for two years was captured by federal and local police in Warminster Tuesday. Members of the FBI's Bucks County...READ MOREhttp://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/warminster-cops-nab-gang-suspect?fromrss=1 Extended Auto Warranties Help Consumers Control Expenses- June 27, 2008 Emediawire (press release) Ferndale,WA,USA - Amber Gizzy of Warminster, PA, had intended to use her tax rebate toward a new vehicle, but decided her financial condition was too unpredictable...READ MOREhttp://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/extended-auto-warranties-help-consumers-co... Pa. teacher convicted of making threats at school- June 27, 2008 Fort Mills Times - Fort Mill,SC,USA DOYLESTOWN, Pa. - A Bucks County elementary school teacher has been found guilty of planting terrorizing notes at her elementary school The jury deliberated...READ MOREhttp://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/pa-teacher-convicted-of-making-threats-at-... Jury Weighs Case of Buxco Teacher Charged with Threats- June 25, 2008 The case against a Bucks County elementary school teacher accused of leaving threatening messages at her former school in Warminster is now in the hands of a jury.http://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/jury-weighs-case-of-buxco-teacher-charged-... Police: 'She became agitated'- June 24, 2008 When it was Susan Romanyszyn's turn to tell police what she knew about the terror campaign waged at Longstreth Elementary School in Warminster Township last year, the longtime teacher said and did things that ...http://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/police-she-became-agitated?fromrss=1 Success in the vegetable patch- June 22, 2008 A lot of people seem to be trying their hands at vegetable gardening this year, according to George Ball, president of W. Atlee Burpee & Co., the big seed company in Warminster, Pa.http://www.topix.net/city/warminster-pa/2008/06/success-in-the-vegetable-patch?fromrss=1 |