The SquizLogKeith Pitty takes a squiz at the world.Anticipating "Weinberg on Writing"- January 18, 2007 It's a little ironic. I've been hesitating about how to start this post. Why is it ironic Because I felt the need to say something about a book called "Weinberg on Writing"! Earlier today I noticed Mark Watson's post about how useful Weinberg's books "The Pyschology of Computer Programming" and "The Secrets of Consulting" have been to him. Agreed. I have both and it's probably time I dipped into them again. A few web clicks later I discovered that Jerry is now writing fiction and has... Re: Kevin Barnes on Software Processes- January 9, 2007 Over the years a plethora of serious words and diagrams have been devoted to the subject of software processes. However, when I compare them to what has actually happened in software organisations in which I have worked, the process descriptions may as well have been works of fiction. So I found Kevin Barnes' light-hearted article refreshing. As the following quotes show, he doesn't spare old or new approaches:"Managers like the waterfall model for the same reasons that tourists like real... |