Tuskegee Institute NewsLocal news for Tuskegee Institute, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.New Sites on our web for the week of June 26, 2008- June 27, 2008 RSS Feed for this page What's RSS Books and Reading Good Reads "a social networking site dedicated to book lovers everywhere.http://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/06/new-sites-on-our-web-for-the-week-... Alabama History Harvard honors Tuskegee leader- June 25, 2008 It was on this date 112 years ago that Booker T. Washington became the first black to be awarded an honorary degree by Harvard University.http://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/06/alabama-history-harvard-honors-tus... Nimble and Noble: H. Noble Simms, 94, remains sharp on piano and computer keyboards- June 8, 2008 H. Noble Simms slowly but surely makes his way, under his own power, to the piano in the corner of the lobby.http://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/06/nimble-and-noble-h-noble-simms-94-... |