Tuskegee Institute NewsLocal news for Tuskegee Institute, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Stu Bykofsky: The legendary Red Tails flew us into a new world- May 29, 2008 FLYING TOO FAST and too low to avoid it, Capt. Luther Smith throttled his P-51 Mustang fighter with the red-painted tail right through the fireball exploding before his eyes.http://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/05/stu-bykofsky-the-legendary-red-tai... This Day In History: May 22 Claude McKay and Langston Hughes- May 23, 2008 After a decade of work, Oxford University Press and the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute published the African American National Biography .http://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/05/this-day-in-history-may-22-claude-... Music history for May 12- May 12, 2008 May 12, 2008 Music history for May 12 Music History For Monday, 51208 2002 - A home in Cape Cod owned by AEROSMITH's TOM HAMILTON was destroyed by a fire. via KXXR-FM Minneapolishttp://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/05/music-history-for-may-12?fromrss=1 Festival highlights life of iconic inventor- May 9, 2008 "They both had gigantic impacts in their own way on American society." TUSKEGEE -- He may not be as famous as the man who hired him, but George Washington Carver carved out his own niche as an American icon. via Montgomery Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/05/festival-highlights-life-of-iconic... A slave turned turned scientist 2 hours ago- May 7, 2008 "George Washington Carver is better known as the greatest Negro scientist alive, the man who pioneered new uses for Southern agricultural products and developed 285 new uses for the peanut." "The head of the United Nations World Food Programme today called for urgent action to tackle the 'silent tsunami' of rising food prices which threatens to push more than 100 million people worldwide into ... via Ottawa Citizenhttp://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/05/a-slave-turned-turned-scientist-2-... 'Lonely Eagles'- May 5, 2008 "They had artillery in underground bunkers and they would bring it out at night and fire at the ships." Portrait By Jaime R. Carrero Wilbur Dixon was one of the "forgotten" eagles of WWII's Tuskegee airmen and the only known member of this special group of flyers in Tyler. via Tyler Morning Telegraphhttp://www.topix.net/city/tuskegee-institute-al/2008/05/lonely-eagles?fromrss=1 |